JPL GNSS Products
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GipsyX Product Overview

GNSS products come in 4 different flavors, based on latency and accuracy. See JPL GNSS Products File Naming And Directory Structure for detailed information on JPL product description and formats (e.g. contents of individual files)

Product Latency 3-D Orbit Overlap 2023 (cm) Product Location (URL Sub-dir)
Final < 14 days 1.8 G Final
Rapid Next-day (16:00 UTC) 2.3 G Rapid
Rapid_GE Next-day (16:00 UTC) 1.8 G / 2.0 E Rapid_GE
Ultra-Rapid < 2 hours 3.2 G Ultra
Real-Time Files ~1 minute N/A RealTime and at CDDIS
Real-Time Streams ~6 seconds + transmission from access center N/A Access through CDDIS, IGS

A few notes

All products are currently in the IGS20 reference frame.

  • Final is GPS-only before 2024-08-25 and GPS+Galileo starting from 2024-08-25 and later.
  • Rapid became a GPS+Galileo (G+E) process starting from 2024-08-25, but the Rapid_GE directory is retained to provide continuity and a longer G+E time-series.
  • Ultra-Rapid is currently expected to remain GPS-only for the forseeable future.
  • Rapid/Final products cover a 30-hour window centered on noon of each day.
  • Ultra products cover a 29-hour and 55-minute window centered on noon, except for the current day which will cover 29 hours and 55 minutes of most recently-processed data.
  • Real-Time Files are daily 24 hours including the start of the day but excluding the end midnight. They can be concatenated.
  • All product families (except Real-Time) include "wlpb" files containing widelane and phase bias information to enable single-receiver ambiguity resolution.
  • High-rate (30-second) clock products are available for Final and Rapid products, starting on May 5, 2000 for Final products and January 29, 2017 for Rapid products.
  • See Real-time JPL available streams, for a list of unique stream identifiers.

There are 3 Final orbit/clock product families:

  1. Fiducial-Free (nf suffix in product names), or "GPS frame of the day"
    • free network solution, delivered along with an x-file containing the 7 parameters needed to transform from the GPS frame of the day to the conventional terrestrial reference frame specified in the .meta file product.
  2. No-Net-Rotation (nnr suffix in product names)
    • similar to fiducial-free products, except that the frame is constrained to have no net rotation with respect to the conventional realization of the terrestrial reference frame
    • an x-file with the 7-parameter transformation to the terrestrial reference frame is also provided. In this case, the rotations are negligible (tightly constrained) and the translation and scale parameters should be very similar to those reported in the corresponding fiducial-free solution x-file.
  3. Fiducial (network-constrained, no suffix in product names):
    • fully constrained to the reference frame adopted. A set of 7 constraints are applied so that the solution frame has no-net-rotation, no-net-translation and no-net-scale relative to the adopted frame (.meta).
    • due to the nature of this solution, no x-file products are provided.