JPL GNSS Products
# Initial definition Willy Bertiger 7/8/99 This file contains descriptions of two possible pos_goa file formats, and a binary record format used in shared memory (sometimes directly converted into packets for network transport): (1) ASCII - suggested suffix .pos[.gz] (2) Binary - suggested suffix .posb[.gz] (3) Binary record Both file formats (1) and (2) may be gzip compressed. GENERAL REMARKS --------------- This describes the pos_goa file format, containing position components as a time series. Files and records may also contain: velocity components, the sigmas of each component and attitude information (quaternions). Quaternions are an extension of the format originating in Gipsy-OASIS (GOA). It was initially designed for the SRTM project, but has since found other uses. *All* lines must be strictly time ordered (earliest times first); this is a departure from the GOA format which only required that all lines with the same name (field 1) be time ordered. IMPORTANT NOTE: in this document, we refer to an epoch we call J2000GPS. * J2000GPS is distinct from the epoch J2000.0, which the IAU 1994 Resolution C7 recommends be defined at the geocenter and at the date 2000 January 1.5 Terrestrial Time(TT), where TT = TDT. * J2000GPS is also distinct from the date 2000 January 1.5 UTC time, which we can refer to as J2000UTC. Exactly 13 leap seconds separate these epochs, i.e.: J2000GPS = J2000UTC - 13 = 2000-01-01 11:59:47.000 UTC * Times before and after J2000GPS are described in GPS seconds around this epoch, i.e. continuous time. Time past J2000GPS is represented using an integer (t_i) and a double (t_f) value: t = t_i + t_f. This time representation can have femto-second accuracy for 68 years from J2000GPS (2**31/86400/365 ~= 68.09, i.e. good for 68 years to 1 second from J2000GPS). If you do not need this precision, you could of course set t_i = 0 and write t_f as double seconds past J2000GPS, as it currently is in many software sets. Negative sigmas are typically used to indicate the invalidity / unreliability of the corresponding coordinate fields. A sigma of -1 indicates that the corresponding values are dummy values. For example, if velocity is unavailable yet there are 20 fields, there will be dummy velocity values in fields 7-9 and sigmas of -1 in fields 13-15. A sigma of -2 indicates that the corresponding value may be unreliable. For files containing predictions of the GPS orbits, sigmas of -2 may occur to indicate the existence of a NANU that might affect prediction accuracy. A sigma of -3 indicates that the sigma value itself is a dummy value, just there to provide padding so that you can add quaternion values in fields 16-19 even if you don't actually have sigma values. If q0 + q1i + q2j + q3k is any quaternion (Q), then q0 is called its scalar part and q1i + q2j + q3k is called its vector part. This quaternion should transform a vector in the satellite body-fixed coordinate system (Vbfs) to a vector in the coordinate system identified in field 0 (Vs): Vs = R.Vbfs
R is a rotation matrix derived from Q - see Quaternion::toRotationMatrix()
(1) ASCII file This file contains an arbitrary number of lines with white space delimited fields. Any line starting with a "#" is ignored and considered a comment. # E.g. This is a comment line. Comments may also occur at the end of lines, from the first occurrence of a "#" character onwards. Blank lines are ignored. EXAMPLE (in practice, this should all be on one line) ------- E GPS23 403261200 0.000000000000000E+00 6.908861669097966E+03 2.586420363513870E+04 2.024301610397836E+03 -2.151127514999478E-01 2.818405550198080E-01 -3.107165379202010E+00 1.987857905662623E-05 1.497527077719072E-05 2.616444941599272E-05 1.902071840949898E-09 3.041361607611697E-09 1.390785228979385E-09 4.213090921042242E-02 1.449777480113355E-01 7.188055942732944E-01 -6.786198911851030E-01 FIELD NUMBERS AND DESCRIPTIONS ------------------------------ Fields 0-6 are REQUIRED, while fields >=7 are OPTIONAL. 0 E or I for Earth-Fixed or Inertial respectively. Note that nothing inherently limits this to a single character in order to allow for more descriptive or exact coordinate systems. 1 Name of object (satellite, station, ??? ); white-space is not allowed in the name. The name must start with an alphabetic character, but can then contain any alphabetic character [a-z,A-Z], non-negative integer [0-9], or an underscore. For GOA version 4, names must be less than 6 characters, there is no limitation in GCORE/gipsyX to the length of names. 2 Integer (t_i) seconds past J2000GPS. To get GPS seconds past GPS week 0 second 0, ( 6-JAN-1980 00:00:00.0000), add 630763200; we assume this is a signed int in c, and integer*4 in Fortran. 3 Float seconds (t_f) past t_i, double for c, REAL*8 for Fortran. 4 X position component (km) 5 Y position component (km) 6 Z position component (km) 7 X velocity component (km/s) 8 Y velocity component (km/s) 9 Z velocity component (km/s) 10 X position sigma (km) 11 Y position sigma (km) 12 Z position sigma (km) 13 X velocity sigma (km/s) 14 Y velocity sigma (km/s) 15 Z velocity sigma (km/s) 16 Unit attitude quaternion, scalar component 17 Unit attitude quaternion vector, i component 18 Unit attitude quaternion vector, j component 19 Unit attitude quaternion vector, k component The total number of possible fields is 20. All 3 components ( XYZ ) must appear if any one component appears, e.g.: E DUMMY 5 0.3 10 20 30 0.02 is NOT VALID, but: E DUMMY 5 0.3 10 20 30 0.02 0.03 0.01 is valid. Likewise, all components of the quaternion must be specified if a value appears in field 16. See $GOA/bin/jpl2pos_goa, $GOA/bin/, $GOA/bin/readoi, and $GOA/bin/podiff. (2) Binary file Binary pos_goa files contain one protocol/handshake record at the top of each file and then, each data record *must* contain certain entries but *may* also contain optional fields: ---------------------------- Mandatory ------------------------------------- *** Protocol record - once at the top of each file char 'p' - record ID for file protocol 13 a hex coded string that evaluates to "JPLRTGXPOSGOA" *** Record - once per object per epoch char 'r' - record ID for pos_goa record values uint8_t file format version number char descriptor for optional fields. 8 bit flags, all zero by default: bit 0 - set only if velocities are being written bit 1 - set only is XYZ position sigmas are being written bit 2 - set only if XYZ velocity sigmas are being written bit 3 - set only if a quaternion is being written bits 4-7 - spare uint64_t "length" of the coordinate system name string length coordinate system name string uint64_t "length" of the object name string length object name string int64_t integer part of the epoch's TimePrecise representation (seconds past J2000GPS) double double part of the epoch's TimePrecise representation (seconds past J2000GPS) 3 x double X, Y, Z position components (km) ---------------------------- Optional -------------------------------------- 3 x double X, Y, Z velocity components (km/s) iff descriptor bit 0 is set 3 x double X, Y, Z position sigmas (km) iff descriptor bit 1 is set 3 x double X, Y, Z velocity sigmas (km/s) iff descriptor bit 2 is set 4 x double scalar, (i, j, k) unit attitude quaternion components iff descriptor bit 3 is set (3) Binary record Binary pos_goa records take the following form, with all variables in native Linux (little-endian) formatting. 8 bytes: uint64_t = total record size = 137 + <sat_name_size> [+ 32 if quaternions present] for typical records 8 bytes: uint64_t = <coord_sys_name_size> = size of coordinate system name, typically = 1 <coord_sys_name_size> bytes: coordinate system name string, typically = "E" (Earth-fixed) 8 bytes: uint64_t = <sat_name_size> = size of <sat_name> string <sat_name_size> bytes: actual <sat_name> string 8 bytes: int64_t = integer part of ttag (J2000GPS seconds) 8 bytes: double = fractional part of ttag (seconds) 3*8 bytes: 3*double = position components (km) 3*8 bytes: 3*double = velocity components (km/s) 3*8 bytes: 3*double = position sigma components (km) 3*8 bytes: 3*double = velocity sigma components (km/s) [optional 4*8 bytes: 4*double = quaternion components ]
See PosGOA for a C++ reader/interpolator.