JPL GNSS Products
No Matches
meta file format

Each row of the meta file contains a keyword in the first column, which is white-space delimited. The second and following columns contain values corresponding to the keyword. Specific keywords may have additional requirements for the format of columns 2-.

Required keywords

Every meta file must contain the following keyword:

  • AntennaCalibration

Provides information on antenna calibration file names used. They can either be IGS antex files or JPL xyz files. Columns 2-4 of each line contain the type of the file, a file name, and a URL for the file valid at the time the file was constructed. Fields are separated by white space. Column 2 contains the type, which indicates if the file was used to calibrate a satellite, ground station or both with values of SAT, GRN, SAT/GRN. The actual file type for the antenna calibration is indicated by the file extension. Both satellite and ground antenna calibration files must be listed in the meta file.


Frame                   IGb08
AntennaCalibration      SAT
AntennaCalibration      GRN  igs08_1837.atx
ReferenceClock          USN7
SoftwareVersion         GCORE 1.0
SoftwareVersion         sgpOps rev 1234
DateGenerated           2016-01-20 10:30:39
2ndOrderIonosphere      IONEX
NominalTropModel        GPT2
TropMappingFunction     GPT2
Gravity                 EMG2008/IERS 2010
AntennaThrust           IGS 2011-09-21
OceanLoading            GOT4.8ac with harddisp.f
ElevationCutoff         7 deg
ElevationDepWeight      sqrtsin
EarthOrientation        EOPC04
Nutation                IAU2006A
SolarRadiationPressure  GSPM13
PrimaryCodePair_G       IonoFreeC_1W_2W

Note PrimaryCodePair_X, where X is the single letter IGS constellation identifier defines the dual-frequency pair used to define the satellite clocks for that constellation. For the definition of dual-frequency GNSS data types, see GispsyX DataTypes.