The drag_date.dat file is a text file containing nominal drag model ACC and estimated delta CONST_L data. The file has one time epoch for each line with 19 fields: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Time sat nominal_drag delta_acc_l sigma nominal_density doy local_hour lat lon height A/Mass Cd speed sflux mean_flux mag_act mean_mag_act mag_dot 1. Time -- GPS second past J2000 (TDT second = Time + 51.184). 2. sat -- name of satellite. 3. nominal_drag -- acceleration value from DTM2000 model (nm/s/s), the value is negative to be consistent with next column. 4. delta_acc_l -- estimated acceleration CONST_L (nm/s/s) in along-track direction (total drag_acc = nominal_drag + delta_acc_l). 5. sigma -- formal sigma of delta_acc_l (nm/s/s). 6. nominal_density -- air density value from DTM2000 model in 1e-6*kg/km^3 ( 1 g/cm^3 = 1e3 kg/m^3 = 1e12 kg/km^3) 7. doy -- day-of-year for the time (may be relpaced by Sun's latitude later). 8. local_hour -- local time in hour (may be replaced by Sun's longitude later). 9. lat -- latitude of satellite (degree). 10. lon -- longitude of satellite (degree). 11. height -- height of satellite (km). 12. A/Mass -- effective profile area over mass (m^2/kg). 13. Cd -- nominal Cd valued used to compute drag from density. 14. speed -- satellite speed used to compute drag from density (km/s). 15. sflux -- Solar flux used by DTM2000 model to compute density (1.E-22 watts/m^2/cycles/second/bw). 16. mean_flux -- 81 day average solar flux. 17. mag_act -- geomagnetic activity used by DTM2000 model to compute density. 18. mean_mag_act -- 24-hour average of mag_act used by DTM2000 model. 19. mag_dot -- time derivative of mag_act. Note: with the assigned unit for each column above, the calculation of drag is straight forward without scaling: column_3 = 0.5*column_6*column_12*column_13*column_14^2 to convert the drag and delta_acc_l data into unified density data using an unified Cd0 value (for all days): Density = -2.0*(column_3+column_4)/(Cd0*column_12*column_14^2) and the O-C in density is (with an unknown scale in Cd0): O-C = Density - column_6 Example: 302356800 GRACEA -6.3578 1.8314 8.7 57.3832 212.96 3.00 -35.572 46.631 468.593 0.00252 1.50810 7.63734 68.1745 69.0000 1.0000 1.3131 0.000000e+00 302357100 GRACEA -8.0353 0.9990 8.8 70.8709 213.00 3.03 -16.308 45.789 463.473 0.00257 1.50810 7.64382 68.1780 69.0000 1.0000 1.3166 0.000000e+00 302357400 GRACEA -8.7727 0.3919 8.8 76.9295 213.00 3.05 2.996 44.872 462.181 0.00259 1.50810 7.64549 68.1780 69.0000 1.0000 1.3200 0.000000e+00