JPL GNSS Products
GENERAL REMARKS --------------- This describes the quaternions file format, containing attitude quaternions as a time series. The ASCII file contains an arbitrary number of lines with white space delimited fields. Suggested file extension is '.quat'. Any line starting with a "#" is ignored and considered a comment. # E.g. This is a comment line. Comments may also occur at the end of lines, from the first occurrence of a "#" character onwards. Data in GipsyX quaternion files *must* be strictly ordered in time. That is, records for all objects at a particular time must be contiguous; within a "time-block" objects can be in any order, although it will be natural to sort first by time, and then by name. A GipsyX pos_goa file containing quaternions can be trivially converted to a dedicated quaternions file under e.g. *NIX using something like the following (depending on your version of awk): awk '{ sep=""; for(i=1; i<=4; i++){printf("%s%s",sep,$i); sep=OFS}; for(i=17;i<=20;i++){printf("%s%s",sep,$i)}; printf("\n")}' <my.pos> > <my.quat> IMPORTANT NOTE: in this document, we refer to an epoch we call J2000GPS. * J2000GPS is distinct from the epoch J2000.0, which the IAU 1994 Resolution C7 recommends be defined at the geocenter and at the date 2000 January 1.5 Terrestrial Time(TT), where TT = TDT. * J2000GPS is also distinct from the date 2000 January 1.5 UTC time, which we can refer to as J2000UTC. Exactly 13 leap seconds separate these epochs, i.e.: J2000GPS = J2000UTC - 13 = 2000-01-01 11:59:47.000 UTC * Times before and after J2000GPS are described in GPS seconds around this epoch, i.e. continuous time. EXAMPLE (in practice, this should all be on one line) ------- E GPS23 403261200 0.000000000000000E+00 4.213090921042242E-02 1.449777480113355E-01 7.188055942732944E-01 -6.786198911851030E-01 FIELD NUMBERS AND DESCRIPTIONS ------------------------------ Fields 0-7 are REQUIRED. 0 Typically E or I for Earth-Fixed or Inertial respectively. Note that nothing inherently limits this to a single character in order to allow for more descriptive or exact coordinate systems. 1 Name of object (satellite, station, ??? ); white-space is not allowed in the name. 2 Integer (t_i) seconds past J2000GPS. To get GPS seconds past GPS week 0 second 0, ( 6-JAN-1980 00:00:00.0000), add 630763200; we assume this is a signed int in C++. 3 Float seconds (t_f) past t_i, double for C++. 4 Unit attitude quaternion, scalar component 5 Unit attitude quaternion vector, i component 6 Unit attitude quaternion vector, j component 7 Unit attitude quaternion vector, k component All lines with the same name, field 1, must be time ordered. Time past J2000GPS = t_i + t_f. This time representation can have femto-second accuracy for 68 years from J2000GPS (2**31/86400/365 ~= 68.09, i.e. good for 68 years to 1 second from J2000GPS). If you do not need this precision, you could of course set t_i = 0 and write t_f as double seconds past J2000GPS, as it currently is in many software sets. If q0 + q1i + q2j + q3k is any quaternion (Q), then q0 is called its scalar part and q1i + q2j + q3k is called its vector part. This quaternion should transform a vector in the satellite body-fixed coordinate system (Vbfs) to a vector in the coordinate system identified in field 0 (Vs): Vs = R.Vbfs
where R is a rotation matrix derived from Q - see Quaternion::toRotationMatrix()