JPL GNSS Products
JPL's Final, Rapid, Ultra and Real-Time GNSS orbit and clock products can be found at the following URL:
There are up to ten different types whose formats are described in the following links (or appropriate text files in $GCORE/file_formats), further detail on the file content is given with the actual product definitions.
A .done file may also appear after a given set of Ultra_Rapid and/or Rapid products are delivered. Although these files may be visible externally, they are intended for internal house-keeping only and are subject to change without notice.
The following description of these products adopts the convention:
YYYY = 4-digit Year MM = 2-digit Month DD = 2-digit Day
All products provided on the https site are in compressed (.gz) form.
Final products are available at: and are organized in yearly ("YYYY") subdirectories.
The Final product for a day is typically available with a latency of 14-days. The products cover a 30-hour window centered on noon of each day.
Final products for each day include:
# "Fiducial" solution in the frame specified by the meta file YYYY-MM-DD.meta.gz - Contains specification of transmitter and receiver antenna calibration file used to generate orbit and clock solutions as well as frame information YYYY-MM-DD.shadhist.gz - Shadow events YYYY-MM-DD.pcm.gz - Transmitter antenna offsets in PCM format YYYY-MM-DD.quat.gz - Satellite attitude quaternions in quat format YYYY-MM-DD.pos.gz - Orbits of all satellites in pos_goa format YYYY-MM-DD.tdp.gz - Clocks (5-minute) and Yaw Rates of all satellites in tdp format YYYY-MM-DD_hr.tdp.gz - High-Rate (30-second) Clocks and Yaw Rates of all satellites in tdp format YYYY-MM-DD.eo.gz - Earth orientation parameters in GEOP format YYYY-MM-DD.wlpb.gz - Global set of wide lane and phase biases, which maybe used in ambiguity resolution when using fiducial products YYYY-MM-DD.x.gz - X-file provided 7 parameter transformation to convert fiducial-free solution into the frame defined in .meta file YYYY-MM-DD.gdcov.gz - Position and EOP estimates with full covariance information in gdcov format # No-net rotation solution YYYY-MM-DD_nnr.pos.gz - Orbits of all satellites in pos_goa format YYYY-MM-DD_nnr.tdp.gz - Clocks (5-minute) and Yaw Rates of all satellites in tdp format YYYY-MM-DD_nnr_hr.tdp.gz - High-Rate (30-second) Clocks and Yaw Rates of all satellites in tdp format YYYY-MM-DD_nnr.eo.gz - Earth orientation parameters in GEOP formatfor YYYY-MM-DD_nnr.wlpb.gz - Global set of wide lane and phase biases, which maybe used in ambiguity resolution when using no-net-rotation products YYYY-MM-DD_nnr.x.gz - X-file provided 7 parameter transformation to convert no-net-rotation solution into the frame defined in the .meta file. YYYY-MM-DD_nnr.gdcov.gz - Position and EOP estimates with full covariance information based on no-net-rotation estimates in gdcov format # Non-fiducial / fiducial-free solution YYYY-MM-DD_nf.pos.gz - Orbits of all satellites in pos_goa format YYYY-MM-DD_nf.tdp.gz - Clocks (5-minute) and Yaw Rates of all satellites in tdp format YYYY-MM-DD_nf_hr.tdp.gz - High-Rate (30-second) Clocks and Yaw Rates of all satellites in tdp format YYYY-MM-DD_nf.eo.gz - Earth orientation parameters in GEOP format YYYY-MM-DD_nf.wlpb.gz - Global set of wide lane and phase biases, which maybe used in ambiguity resolution when using fiducial-free products YYYY-MM-DD_nf.gdcov.gz - Position and EOP estimates with full covariance information based on fiducial-free estimates in gdcov format
Rapid and Rapid_GE products are available at: and are organized in yearly ("YYYY") subdirectories.
The Rapid product for a day is typically available by 16:00 UTC of the following day. The products cover a 30-hour window centered on noon of each day.
Rapid "fiducial" products for each day are the same as the Final "fiducial" products, except that no .x file is provided. A .done file may also appear: - hh,mm = hour, minute of the last data point for the current day.
Ultra products are available at: and are organized in yearly ("YYYY") subdirectories.
They are very similar to Rapid products except for the absence of a high-rate clock (_hr.tdp.gz) product and a faster update cadence.
Ultra products are typically available within 2-hours of the last data point used in the solution (also the last solution epoch) with a data span of 29 hours and 55 minutes. In order to meet a sub-daily latency with daily products, the last one or two days of products will be updated with each hourly delivery.
The data files (YYYY-MM-DD) will eventually span from 21:00 on the day before to 02:55 on the next day.
If there are any data on a given day, the products will exist for that day. Thus, the first ultra product for a given day is the arc ending at 00:55 on that day.
The ultra products from the current/previous day will be updated until it roughly aligns with our standard 30-hour Final and Rapid arcs (i.e. starts at 21:00 on previous day, ends at 02:55 on the next day).
As a result of the above, both the current and previous day are updated for the arcs ending at 00:55, 01:55, and 02:55.
JPL computes real-time obits and clocks (latency from real-time of a few seconds) and posts the results with about a one-minute latency to:
at the top level there are sub-directories for each constellation, currently:
below each constellation directory, there are sub-directories with two character ids, <centerId>, corresponding to the JPL processing center, for eaample, dn = Denver, then sub-directories by year.<constellation>/<centerId>/<YYYY>
within the year directory there are daily data files and a sub-directory,<constellation>/<centerId>/<YYYY>/minute
The current active day is appended every minute and can be constructed locally with low bandwidth and latency by accessing the minute directory.
C_YYYY-MM-DD_JJJ_SSI_RRR.EXT.gz, daily file names
G_2024-01-01_001_dn2_060.pos.gz G_2024-01-01_001_dn2_001.tdp.gz G_2024-01-01_001_dn2_060.tdp.gz
note the clocks are given at multiple rates to support high rate navigation.
the files in the minute directory have an added field in there names for the hour and minute of the day:
C_YYYY-MM-DD_JJJ_hhmm_SSI_RRR.EXT.gz, minute files